
This page contains the places I have visited.
Currently I have listed 'everywhere' I have been (that I feel knowledgable enough to write about).
My goal is to have a post about each one, which will then be replaced with a link to that post (italic).
What can I say, I like being organized [sometimes].

  • Switzerland
    • Lausanne
    • Bern
    • Sion
    • Geneva
  • Colorado
  • California
  • Mazatlán, Mexico 
  • Cayman Islands
  • France
    • Val d'Isère
    • Paris
    • Toulouse
  • Kenya
  • Hong Kong
  • Spain
    • Madrid
    • Granada 
    • Ibiza
  • Italy
    • Rome/Vatican
    • Verona
    • Venice
  • Budapest
  • Sweden
  • England
    • London
    • Southampton
  • Scotland
  • Wales 
  • Belgium
  • Cruises
    • Western Caribbean
    • European
“To travel is to live.” 
― Hans Christian Andersen

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