Sunday, February 24, 2013


The most important thing you need to know about Switzerland is that it is NOT Sweden.
Oh, and "Swiss" isn't a language. So if you read all of this and have only retained those two bits of knowledge I will be very very happy. In this post you will learn some little tidbits about CH. I will dedicate other posts to certain Swiss towns.

Mini Lesson about Switzerland
  • Abbreviated as "CH" for Confoederatio Helvetica
  • There are 26 cantons (like states). I live in the canton of Vaud. My canton of origin is Appenzell Ausserrhoden. 
  • A third of the size of New York state
  • There are 4 national languages (again not "Swiss): Swiss-German, French, Italian and Romansch
  • The national day is August 1 [same as Colorado Day ;)]
  • It is bordered by 5 countries and is really a central location for traveling
  • There hasn't been an international war since 1815, but all Swiss men are required to join the Army
  • It is not a member of the European Union
  • The capital is Bern but the largest city is Zurich, then Geneva
  • It's one of the richest countries in the world 
  • The currency is Swiss Francs (CHF) but Euros can be taken in some of the big cities like Geneva and Zurich 
  • James Bond's mother is Swiss, and so was the first Bond girl 
  • We have the second best public transportation (after Japan). But it's expensive :P 
  • The water here is amazing and you can find a potable fountain almost everywhere 
  • The song "Smoke on the Water" is about the smoke from the Montreux Casino fire on Lake Geneva (Lac Léman) 
  • You are never 10 miles away from a Lake or River 
  • You have to name your child in regards to the approved list of names 
  • You have to bring your own grocery bags to grocery shop, or else you pay for each bag
  • It is really difficult to find housing in the big cities (like mine) 
  • In certain cantons you are only allowed to throw away your trash in the official white trash bags (like mine, and they are expensive)
  • Roger Federer is pretty much the national hero
  • Famous people include: Heidi, William Tell, Carl Jung, Hermann Rorschach, Simon Ammann and others 
  • The Swiss are very punctual. 10am means 10am not 10:02 am
  • You do not leave tips (unless they did really really really really good) and tax is included
  • The flag of the Red Cross is the Swiss flag with inverted colors! 
  • Velcro was invented by a Swiss guy
  • Famous residents included Freddy Mercury, Charlie Chaplin, Albert Einstein, James Joyce, Shania Twain, Yoko Ono, the guy that created Ikea, and many more 
  • Bank Accounts, Cheese, Swiss Army Knives, Chocolate, Fondue, Raclette, Cuckoo Clocks, Watches, and skiing of course 
  • Traditional drinks include, well obviously wine, but Kirsh (a cherry brandy), Absinthe, and Appenzeller Alpenbitter, to name a few
  • The two biggest airports are in Geneva and Zurich (for all of you that want to visit me) 
  • And much more to come!!! 
My Favorite Dishes:
  • Wine especially from Valais
  • Fondue (Moitié-Moitié) or Raclette
  • Risotto 
  • Cailler or Lindt Chocolate
  • Rivella (a 'soda') 
7 Recommended Places to Visit:
  • Bern (the capitol, bear pit, and the Federal Palace)
  • Lavaux vineyards
  • Zermatt and the Matterhorn 
  • Gruyères (the castle and cheese)
  • Jungfrau (still on my to-do list) 
  • Appenzell 
  • And Lausanne to see me :) 


                                                                      "Living in Switzerland is like the flag, a big plus."

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