Sunday, February 24, 2013

the basics

This is a story.
My story.
A work in progress.
An adventure.

So lets set the scene:

I was born in Switzerland to a loving couple who had been trying to have a child for quite sometime. He was Swiss-German and she was an all-American California girl. They have quite an adventurous story as well, but we will get to that some other day.

When I was 3 years old, we moved to the "Centennial State" aka Colorado in good ol' U S of A. I would [and still] call it my home for 22 years.

After a great 4 years at Colorado State University, I packed up my suitcases, grabbed my trustee Swiss passport and headed over to pursue a Master's degree at the University of Lausanne. I have been here for a year and half, and it has been some of the most influential years of my life (not because of graduate school).

You could say that I caught the travel bug starting day 1. I travelled a bit when I was little but being in Switzerland has given me so many traveling opportunities. Not only is rediscovering my 'country of origin' an adventure, but I travel quite a bit [thank you EasyJet and ESN]. So here I am expanding my cultural diversity and creating myself with every train and plane ride.
I have no idea how this blog will turn out, so bear with me. This blog is mostly for myself, my friends, and my family. But if you somehow stumbled upon this, I hope you enjoy it.

                                 “The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.” 
                   ― Augustine of Hippo

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